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GemVie MediSpa
$89 For a Microdermabrasion & Glycolic Peel Treatment At Gemvie Medispa (a $200 Value)

It looks like winter is finally here and your skin could be in for a tough time. Fear not with this fabulous Micropeel Treatment from the experts at GemVie MediSpa in Midtown.

The Micropeel includes a combination of of Microdermabrasion and Glycolic Peel to give your skin great results and can do wonders for your skin even after the first time. This treatment can improve dull or uneven skin tone, acne, sun spots, clean clogged pores, decrease the appearance of fine lines and large pores & reduce acne breakouts.

If you'd like soft, flawless skin, take us up on this pulse.

GemVie MediSpa
24 East 36th Street
(212) 447-8494

In a life filled with stress, deadlines and increasing demands on your body and time, GemVie MediSpa is your outlet for total relaxation and rejuvenation. Turn back the clock to reveal younger, smoother, healthier skin with medically advanced aesthetic treatments, performed and supervised by the Board Certified Physician.

This pulse is a combination of two fantastic treatments for your face:

Microdermabrasion - is a skin-freshening technique that helps repair facial skin that takes a beating from the sun and the effects of aging. The device used is like a fine sandblaster to spray tiny crystals across the face, mixing gentle abrasion with suction to remove the dead, outer layer of skin...

...Followed by Glycolic Peel using glycolic acid to accelerate the turnover of skin cells and restores a healthy texture and tone. Your physician can help you choose from three medical strength percentages: 20% -75%.

The people of New York City seem to love GemVie MediSpa, giving it a 4.5 star rating on Citysearch:

  • "A great selection of various treatments, very good facials!"

  • "Rebecca listened to my needs and adressed my skin concerns! I left with my skin smooth and glowing. I absolutley loved this facial. I even bought the products she reccomended to me, which I usually dont do when they try to sell you stuff ."

The Fine Print
  • May purchase as many as you like for personal use or for gifting.

  • Expires Sunday July 15, 2012.