Our primary drive, inspired from our family heritage, is to create a place where food, drinks and conviviality form a real lifestyle. We also want to combine quality and simplicity, and mix countries specialties.
The foundation was laid in March with the creation of the company and then, the name, the logo, and finding the venue, … all the elements of the project runs were put together in order to create the first « Cave à Manger » in NYC.
… linked to the past
What is a “cabanon”? It’s a French word to define a little hut in a garden. In the South of France it is more than that; it’s a small place where you can cook, eat, talk, and have a little nap…
For us, it is a small kitchen where grandmothers used to cook their specialty dishes and where there was always something to eat and drink. The door was always open and everybody could come to think, laugh, talk, eat, drink, etc. We really want to
recreate this spirit in our OCabanon!
We really want to recreate this spirit in our OCabanon !