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Gotham Dream Cars
$99 For The Dream Sports Car Experience - Drive A Lamborghini or Ferrari ($249 value)

While zooming down the block on a red ten-speed got your adrenaline kick going as a kid, to get the same thrill as an adult you'll need to change your wheels for a set of real rims. Gun it faster with this pulse from Gotham Dream Cars.

Just $99 gets you keys to The Dream Car Sprint (a $249 value)! You get to drive an F430 Spider or a Gallardo for three laps on an autocross course at speeds of up to 100mph. Sit in your car, belt up and watch the rubber hit the road as over 500 horses thrust you forward. Finally, capture this moment of a lifetime on a take home CD containing images of you tearing it up!

Gotham Dream Cars
75 West End Avenue
(212) 957-4400

Gotham Dream Cars prides itself on providing a highly professional, seamless rental experience with the best rental cars in the most optimal conditions.

This pulse gives you two options: a Ferrari F430 Spider with 430 horsepower from a 6speed tiptronic transmission; or a Lamborghini Gallardo, coming in at over 512 horsepower and a semi-automatic transmission system.

Gotham Dream Cars snaps pics of the sprint, so drivers are sent home with hands they will never wash and a CD of images to be paraded before jealous coworkers and humbled shopping carts. The CD keepsake also contains a stock video of the guest's chosen vehicle flying around the autocross track at speeds reaching 100 mph.

The actual events take place at several tri-state areas, located just outside of NYC. There are multiple classes on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through Sunday November 4th, 2012. Please see the updated schedule here.

Yelpers love Gotham Dream Cars, offering them a strong 4 star rating:

  • "From start to finish Gotham was fantastic. We had the car delivered and that was great. Of course the car was unbelievable!"
The Fine Print
  • May purchase an unlimited number of vouchers for personal use or for gifting.

  • Makes the perfect gift for him or her. Further insurance charges may apply.

  • Expires on Sunday November 4, 2012.