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Joel Salsa
$29 For A Month of Unlimited Salsa Classes at Joel Salsa ($99 Value)

If we can't dance, it's not our revolution. Truer words have rarely been spoken and better pulses have rarely been offered than today's ticket to Joel's Salsa.

Grab this $29 pulse (a $99 value) and a month of unlimited salsa helps you turn up the heat this spring/summer. This sizzling, social and sexy dance is not only a way to increase the magic between you and your partner; it's a sensational high calorie burn as every muscle in your body gets the perfect workout!

Swish out of the everyday and into a sophisticated groove... today!


Joel Salsa Classes are progressive and allow you to quickly and easily learn the fundamentals. You will begin by gaining general knowledge such as when to start dancing, when to lead or follow the salsa turns. After just a few weeks you will be ready to learn more advanced moves and how to dance by feeling.

Instructor Joel Dominguez has danced, taught, performed, choreographed and competed throughout various parts of the US. He has appeared in commercials, music videos, news programs, and has danced professionally as a promotion for the incomparable, Gloria Estefan; but he maintains that his true passion has always remained with his ability to convey to others his enthusiasm for Salsa music and dance.

Yelpers are big on Joel, with 5 stars reviews including:

  • "I have been attending Joel and Maria's salsa classes for 3 months. Started with the basic level 1 boot-camp and now taking level 3. Truly an enjoyable experience for someone who had never danced before."

  • "JoelSalsa is the best teacher in New York City. I have taken classes from other salsa teachers but there is no comparison to Joel!"

  • "I would like to take this opportunity to tell you Joel how much the referral to take your class and meet you and, your dancing with me in class how it helped me tremendously by boosting my confididence level way beyond the human imagination."

The Fine Print
  • May purchase one pulse for personal use and an unlimited number for gifting.

  • Expires Friday October 5, 2012.