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NEW YORK   >   events   >   Unsilent Night
Unsilent Night

Head To Washington Square Park For An Unsilent Night
Washington Square Park
Saturday, December 12th, 2015
6:40PM - 8:40PM

This is going to be fun. Composer Phil Kline will lead a massive chorus of boomboxes from the West Village to the East Village in the 24th annual holiday presentation of UNSILENT NIGHT. People gather at the arch in Washington Square Park, and less than an hour and mile later, end up in Tompkins Square Park. Never heard of UNSILENT NIGHT? Here: Unsilent Night is an original composition by Phil Kline, written specifically to be heard outdoors in the month of December. It takes the form of a street promenade in which the audience becomes the performer. Each participant gets one of four tracks of music in the form of a cassette, CD, or Mp3 (iPhone). Together all four tracks comprise Unsilent Night. The fact that the participants play different "parts" simultaneously helps create the special sound of the piece. Participants carry boomboxes, or anything that amplifies music, and simultaneously start playing the music. They then walk a carefully chosen route through their city’s streets, creating a unique mobile sound sculpture which is different from every listener's perspective. Amazing. Don't miss it.

Source: Unsilent Night