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Above All Cruises
Summer Party Cruise Around Manhattan

Sometimes you just want to leave work and celebrate the end of the day with something special. Well, leave the party preparation and clean-up at the door and grab some friends for this spectacular three hour after work cruise around Manhattan.

For just $17.50 a ticket (a $35 value) you get to experience the sights of New York City from the luxurious Harbor Lights boat.

With drinks starting at just $5 for a beer (mixed drinks are $8) and a buffet for just $8 in case you need to peck away, there's plenty of excuses to party hard into the moonlight.


Above All Cruises offer high end, all inclusive cruises throughout the summer. The food consists of a hot buffet including meat, pasta, salads. Beer, wine and mixed drinks will be available throughout the cruise.

The cruise will board at 7pm and return by between 10 and 1030pm. Please select your cruise date here; this calendar is updated weekly with new cruises.

The cruise passes The Statue of Liberty, Governors Island , South Street Seaport , Brooklyn Navy Yard , Manhattan , Brooklyn & Williamsburg Bridges.

The Fine Print
Expires on Saturday December 31, 2011. Unlimited may be purchased for personal use and as gifts.