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Staten Island Go Karts & Mini Golf
$9 For 2 Go-Kart Rides & Round of MiniGolf ($18 Value)

Go-Karting and Mini Golf, two things that are just as fun if you are with friends, your partner or even mom and dad. Spend a fabulous day go-karting at speeds of 20 mph and once you've dominated the course, enjoy an 18 hole game of mini golf around a beautiful scenic landscape.

The best part of the day is that the price is just as mini as the golf! Yes just $9 gets you two go-kart rides & a round of mini golf (an $18 value). At these prices you can afford to buy one for a friend or family member and really find out who the speed demon with the lowest handicap is.

Probably your most fun workout all summer...


Staten Island Go-Karts and Mini Golf is in full swing! The only go-kart track in the 5 boroughs, you can spend a whole day here having lots of fun with friends and family.

The go-kart track is a quarter of a mile long with numerous turns and straight-a-ways in case you want to take your boyfriend or mother out. The beautifully manicured 18 hold mini-golf course is complete with uphills, downhills, sand traps and waterfalls - you really could spend a good few hours trying to get through the course if you are not open to cheating :).

What are you waiting for? Buy today and always have an awesome event in your back pocket in case you are bored one day.