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$29 For A 60 Minute Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment (a $100 Value)

Increase energy levels, combat pain, replenish libido, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with the help of our friends at Acupuncture

Grab this $29 pulse (a $100 value) and have expert acupuncturist undertake a consultation to evaluate your ailments followed by a 60 minute acupuncture session that will target, and heal, specific pain points in your body.

The pain-free process unblocks your energy flow and improves your overall health, treating a variety of issues like pain, fatigue, and digestion problems.

6 Bond Street
(212) 777-2500

Acupuncture is widely regarded as an effective treatment for an extensive range of conditions, including asthma, arthritis, sciatica, sinusitis, smoking cessation, as well as relieving acute and chronic pains, including back pains and migraines.

  • "Best acupuncture you will EVER have. She is by far one of the most highly skilled and true professionals I have ever met. Get rid of your stress and tight muscles and see her... you will NOT regret it."
The Fine Print
  • May purchase an unlimited number of pulses for personal use or for gifting.

  • Expires Friday June 1, 2014.