Pop Physique
The newest Pop in New York is just south of Houston on the Bowery in between SOHO and the LES. It features two large bright studios with our signature singular barre spot design. An artistic classic space with Pop your Selfie rooms for changing and makeup counters to get polished. Subways conveniently nearby are N R, B, D, F, M and the 6.
A one hour ballet barre-based class. The principles of dance are used to create long, lean lines and tight, compact muscles. The class provides results that are unparalleled. Pop Physique takes the original, chic Lotte Berk concept that was created in London in the 50s to a modernized level that fits into every lifestyle. Lotte was a dancer who created a unique and fun class structure that was quick to show results. There is an artistic approach that Pop Physique takes to this very special hour of class. It is not merely exercise, it is art.