2011 International Taiko Festival

Experience Taiko: Rhythms, Dance, and Martial Arts that Transcend the Physical

UC Berkeley

Saturday, November 5th, 2011
7:00PM - 9:00PM

In concert, San Francisco Taiko Dojo, under the direction of Grand Master Tanaka, is an experience like no other. The performance is visual, audio, and visceral. The combination of traditional and contemporary rhythms, dance, and martial arts transcend the physical and are often described as spiritual. The essence of San Francisco Taiko Dojo is that it is not strictly a performance organization, but rather a school. Focusing on the spiritual and martial arts aspects of the art, the Dojo teaches not only the skillful playing of percussion instruments, but also the discipline of mind and body in the spirit of complete respect and unity among the drummers. -Event and Ticket Information
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