FREE Lululemon Workout SF

It's Sunday Run Day with a FREE Lululemon run in SF

1981 Union Street

Sunday, September 19th, 2010
9:00PM - 10:00PM

Make the most of your weekend and feel more energized for the upcoming week with a free fun run led by Lululemon Athletica Sunday morning! Meet at the Union Street store at 9:00 to get your running gear, socialize, and warm up pre-run. There will be multiple turn around locations, so feel free to choose between a 4-6 mile run. After the workout, there will be some light refreshments at the store. And if you really want to congratulate yourself, you just might want to wander to your favorite froyo, cupcake, or cream puff place down the street... Feel great about your day by adding a run to the schedule, meeting friends, and seeing the sights of the city! Share this run with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, and we shall see you there! Check out Lululemon SF here!
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