Company of Thieves at Cafe Du Nord

Enjoy a Monday Night Performance at Cafe Du Nord...

2170 market st

Monday, November 14th, 2011
9:30PM - 11:30PM

Looking for a casual activity to do this monday? Come out to Cafe Du Nord this Monday and enjoy great music and a good time. Tickets are only $12... A Note from the Company of Thieves: We aren't pigeon holed, we don't have a scene, we're not trying to be anyone or anything, we weren't those kids who were in cliques at school. We were everyone's friends. We were curious and lonely and desperately trying to see the world beyond the manicured lawns and paved parking lots of Wal-Marts in the suburbs of Chicago. We just want to share our music with you, with love! -Additional Info and Tickets
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