FREE Film Night In The Park SF

Night Out In North Beach: Catch A Free Flick In The Park

600 Columbus Ave

Saturday, September 11th, 2010
8:00PM - 10:00PM

As Fall approaches, the occasional warm night in San Francisco is going to become progressively harder to come by... So before these Summer nights are completely gone, enjoy a free screening of Amelie this Saturday in Washington Park! The film will begin around dusk, so pick up a bottle of wine and some nosh from your favorite hidden North Beach spot to bring. Or the standard industrial-sized tub of buttery popcorn would not be a bad alternative... Amélie, a shy waitress in a Montmartre café, returns a long-lost childhood treasure to a former occupant of her apartment. After seeing the effect it has on him, she decides to set out on a mission to make others happy and in the meantime pursues a quirky guy who collects discarded photo booth pictures.
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