Marisa Tornello: "Fruit Scores"

A Fascinating and Moving Musical Performance and Live Art Piece

51 Bergen Street

Friday, October 14th, 2022
7:30PM - 8:30PM

As part of Nafas, a new exhibition of 36 international artists and a five-week festival celebrating the union between food and art, The Invisible Dog Art Center presents a musical performance composed by Marisa Tornello. Fruit Scores is a study on transience, delight, improvisation, decay, and nourishment. Living as a rapidly evolving composition and visual/performance art piece, The piece takes a closer look at the anatomy of fruit and musical interpretation of that anatomy. Defining characteristics of each fruit can be viewed not only as art and food, but also as rules and instructions, communicating textural and tonal expression depending on the specific features of each fruit. Marisa Tornello: "Fruit Scores" Details & RSVP
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