Meet The Filmmaker: Lee Hirsch

Meet Lee Hirsch in SoHo as he Discusses His Beautiful Documentary, "Bully"

103 Prince St

Thursday, March 29th, 2012
6:00PM - 7:00PM

Join director Lee Hirsch as he discusses “Bully,” a beautifully cinematic, character-driven documentary that follows five kids and families over the course of a school year. With an intimate glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias, and principals’ offices, the film offers insight into the often cruel world of the lives of bullied children. “Bully,” which examines the dire consequences of bullying through the testimony of strong and courageous youth and through the power of their stories, aims to be a catalyst for change in the way we deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children, and society as a whole. - An Evening with Lee Hirsch Please note this event will be held at 72 Greene Street, SoHo since the Apple Store is under construction.
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