Performance Art Reception, Ace Hotel

Join Ace Hotel For The Opening Reception Of Natural Causes

20 West 29th Street

Thursday, September 8th, 2016
6:00PM - 8:00PM

Ace Hotel is well-known for supporting avant-garde artists, but this one is unique even for them. "Natural Causes" is an exhibit that runs through NY Fashion Week, of an Infinity Burial Suit created by Coeio, a green burial company. The suit is embedded with mushrooms and other biological material to "harmoniously digest the deceased." The suit evidently made quite a splash at TedTalks and fashion shows, and if that's not enough to convince you, there will be a giveaway of a night at the Ace and the Infinity suit for a lucky winner: a tranquil sleep for a night, or forever (!). Performance Art Reception, Ace Hotel RSVP
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