Tiny Pie Craft Night

Craft Night at Etsy Labs: It's Tiny Pie Night in The BK

55 Washington St

Monday, November 14th, 2011
4:00PM - 8:00PM

This week's craft night at Etsy Labs takes things to the level of the tiny! Jessica from Inedible Jewelry will be leading the featured project this evening: mini polymer clay pumpkin pies! These smell like real pie while they bake in the toaster oven, since there’s a secret ingredient in the recipe… real allspice! - Tiny Pie Craft Night - RSVP These are fabulously social events, so please share this on Facebook and ReTweet this! She’ll lead us through all the steps of making your delectable inedible treat, a project that is also featured in her book, The Polymer Clay Cookbook, available right here on Etsy. The book will also be available for sale at Craft Night. You can use your tiny pie as a pendant, charm, or anything else you dream up.
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