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$99 For a 4 Course Valentines Day Take Home Dinner For Two ($300 Value)

If you are still trying to figure out what to do tonight, why not pass on the one night price hikes at restaurants and cold weather, to enjoy a fabulous 4 Course David Burke Meal at home.

Pick up this $99 pulse (a $300 value) and you'll have it all. A quart of lobster bique to get you started followed by Caesar salas for two, a whole roasted chicken for two, red velvet bunt cake, a scented candle, a long stemmed rose - plus a free bottle of wine on your next visit!

Pick up anytime today from 10am-8pm...and see how awesome a romantic night in can be!

1000 3rd Avenue
(212) 705-3800

Chef David Burke, the foodsmith behind David Burke at Bloomingdale's, draws upon his training at the Culinary Institute of America to lead his chefs in creating take-home dinners for Valentine's Day.

The romantic feast commences with lobster bisque and caesar salad before segueing into succulent portions of whole roasted chicken with truffled wild-mushroom cavatelli and Shakespearean love sonnets spelled out in creamed spinach.

A red velvet bundt cake topped with warmed icing seals the intimate meal, which is augmented by aromatic wafts from a scented candle and sensual red petals from a molting long-stemmed rose.