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Little Town NYC
$15 For A Cake Pop Making & Decorating Class with Take Home Cake Pops (a $34 Value)

The cupcake industry may have a hold on the portable cake market, but there's a new conveyable confection on the block: the cake pop! Stake your claim on the market with today's with your selection of one of these cake pop making and decorating classes!

Grab this $15 pulse (a $34 value) and enjoy a 60 minute cooking lesson in the basics of cake pop making and decorating. Your ticket also includes a delicious cake-tini cocktail - an alcoholic cake pop inspired drink. Finally, share your creations with your friends as you get to take your cake pops home with you!


From the batter to the icing to the science of putting it on a stick, you'll learn it, make it, and taste it, starting with a pop to indulge in when you arrive!

Enjoy your creations in class or take them home to your friends and family. Since you'll need something to help you wash it all down, you'll be treated to a delicious cake-tini cocktail!

At the end of the class, you'll have a nice buzz, a passel of cake pops to take home, and a new set of tools in your baking repertoire. After all, when it comes to combining flavor and portability, it's no contest: This pulse takes the cake!

All classes start at 7pm on the following dates: 1/23, 1/30, 2/7, 2/13, 2/20, 2/26 and 2/28

The Fine Print
  • May purchase as many tickets as you like for personal use or for gifting.

  • All classes start at 7pm. Take your pick from classes on 1/23, 1/30, 2/7, 2/13, 2/20, 2/26 and 2/28.