Phantom of the Opera for only $20 -

Today thru 5/7. Come see Phantom of the Opera for only $20 in the West Village

115 MacDougal Street

Friday, April 23rd, 2010
7:30PM - 10:00PM

You can see Phantom of the Opera for just $20 until Friday 7 May. This is not the Broadway showing but one in the West Village at The Players Theatre which we think is just as good since its still based on the classic novel by Gaston Leroux but you can actually see the cast due to the theater's intimate size. Click here for full schedule and tickets Please not this offer is only valid for Thursday Matinees at 3pm, Thursday and Friday Evenings at 7:30p April 22 – May 7th Based on the classic novel by Gaston Leroux, this heart-racing musical unravels the mystery of a passionate man living deep beneath the grand Paris Opera House. Was he a madman? A musical genius? Or just a lonely soul yearning to be loved? The answer carefully unfolds in a beautiful and intimate production filled with intrigue, romance, danger and desire.
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