Kardashian Konfidential Meet The Sisters

Come Meet Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian in NYC

555 5th Avenue

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
12:00PM - 1:30PM

Yes, It's true - The Kardashians are there for the meeting in New York City. Kardashian Konfidential is the day where you can meet Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and boy what a party do they have in store as they discuss their new book! - Thanks to pulsd, You can Keep up with the Kardashians Please share this on Facebook and ReTweet this! Which friend wouldn't want some Kardashians! Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls
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