Linda McCartney: My Life in Photographs

Linda McCartney: My Life in Photographs. An Exhibit on the Beatle's Former Wife

41 E 57th St # 1300

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 at 10:00AM to
Friday, July 29th, 2011 at 6:00PM

The photographer (and former wife of the Beatle) is best known for the intimacy and ease of her portraits, often of musicians, like the 1967 shot of Jimi Hendrix yawning. (Of the image, Paul McCartney told Harper's Bazaar: "He's hanging, you know, everyone's hanging, because she made everyone so comfortable.") Linda's massive collection includes vintage photos of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Willem de Kooning, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Michael Jackson. Linda and Paul had been married nearly 30 years when she died of cancer in 1998. The retrospective exhibition at Bonni Benrubi accompanies the release of a book of the same name, published by Taschen. - Linda McCartney Exhibit
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