A Historic Walk Through Brooklyn

A Historic Walk Through Bedford Stuyvesant, Home of JayZ, Biggie, Chris Rock & More


Sunday, June 12th, 2011
11:00AM - 12:30PM

Bedford Stuyvesant has a rich and storied history, from the Lenape peoples, through the Dutch, the English, and to JayZ, Biggie, Chris Rock and so many more stars. Anchoring that history is some of the city’s finest residential row house architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. - A Historic Walk Through Bed-Stuyvs Explore the proposed Bedford Historic District, focusing on Hancock St. and surrounding blocks. We will see the works of some of Brooklyn’s finest architects: row houses, apartment buildings, mansions, schools and churches. We’ll discuss the history and culture of the largest African-American community in New York City, a history that is hundreds of years in the making.
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